Very Superstitious Rally
Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt
Friday, May 13th to Saturday, May 14th, 2022
Ontario's largest motorcycle gathering is held every Friday the 13th, whenever it lands.
Well here's a chance to visit that famous event, AND get some riding in.
Inspired by superstitions this Rally will have you chasing rainbows, trying not to step on cracks, and knocking on wood.
Cross your fingers that you have horseshoes up your ass as this 26 hour rally will have you riding for 2 days visiting some amazing sites around Ontario.
But don't worry, there is a mandatory 6 hour minimum rest to make sure nobody breaks a mirror.
​26 Hour Rally - Starts/Finishes in near Port Dover, ON
2:00pm Start on Friday
2:00pm Scoring opens on Saturday
4:00pm Time Penalties begin to accrue
DNF if not at the Finish Line by 5:00pm
6:00 pm Buffet Dinner and Awards Banquet
Regular Pricing - $100 per Rider, or $120 for 2 Up Teams
( SAVE even more MONEY by purchasing a SEASON PASS )