Typical Event Schedules
One Week before the event.
- Registration closes.
- No registration fee refunds after this date.
- There is absolutely no Same Day registration as you will need your Rally Pack well in advance of the event to plan your route(s).
- Rally Locations e-mailed
For Remote Start Events Rally Flags will be mailed out in advance.
For Static Start Events Rally Flags and Stickers will be picked up at the Starting Location of the Event.
Typical Schedule for an In Person Event:
Day of Event
6:00am - On Site Check in Opens for Static Start Events
7:15am - Mandatory Riders Meeting for Static Start Events
if you're not there, you don't ride
8:00am - Rally begins
3:00pm - Check in and Scoring Begins
4:00pm - Time Penalties start to take effect (8 hour Rally)
4:30pm - Time Barred and DNF applies (8 Hour Rally)
5:00pm - Banquet officially begins
5:30pm - Awards (may be earlier if most riders arrive by 4pm)
Typical Schedule for Mini Rallies with ANYWHERE starts: -
Day of Event
You choose your start time and location
You take a photo of a time and dated receipt next to your odometer to start your rally clock
Prior to time running out on your rally clock (8, 12, or 16 hrs depending on the event) you submit another photo with a time/dated receipt next to your odometer