The Rules
The following rules have been adapted from the Team Strange Uniform Rules
Use of Team Strange rules is with the permission of Team Strange and does not constitute an endorsement of Lobo Loco Rallies by Team Strange or any of its principal officers.
The following rules shall apply in all Lobo Loco Rallies events, unless we specifically advise to the contrary.
Questions regarding the Rules may be addressed to the Rallymaster prior to the start of the event. You may also post a question to our Facebook Page. Questions are encouraged. Better to ask now than be hammered later. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse for its violation.
The "Lobo Loco Rallies" name and “crazy wolf” are copyright/trademark Wolfe Bonham. All rights reserved. Reproduction, duplication or copying of any Lobo Loco or TeamStrange materials, articles or publications without our express written permission is prohibited. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Iron Butt Association in the development of these standards. The "Ironbutt" name and logo are trademarks of the Ironbutt Association, used by permission.
1. Must be currently registered and have a valid motorcycle license plate in place. Proof of registration will be required. WARNING: If for any reason, you change your license plate during the rally (or lose it), you must contact the Rallymasters before collecting additional bonuses. Failure to so advise the Rallymasters may result in the imposition of penalties up to and including disqualification without refund.
2. Must be insured. Riders must carry insurance/proof of insurance as required by the laws of the state/province in which their motorcycle is registered.
3. Riders are strongly encouraged to avoid excessive exhaust noise. Although no formal noise testing will be conducted, riders are reminded that the rally depends on good relations with the neighborhoods that host our event. Riders are referred to the provisions in these rules regarding rider conduct.
4. Rider holds a valid driver’s license, with valid motorcycle endorsement.
5. Helmet use, in the manner for which it was designed and DOT or Snell approved, is required for all riders and passengers while participating in any Lobo Loco Rallies event. This requirement is applicable regardless of state/provincial regulations.
6. Signed acknowledgements of risk/releases, as required by the Rallymasters.
7. Lobo Loco Rallies events are designed to be a test of rider and machine. Swapping motorcycles during the rally will cause the competitor to lose 50% of total accumulated points.
8. If you wish to collect bonus points, your odometer must remain functional. If it fails, you may no longer collect bonus points until it is repaired. Documentation of the failure and repair will be required.
9. Motorcycle must comply with all applicable Federal and Provincial requirements.
10. Failure to complete check in procedures (including but not limited to mileage check, tech inspection, and completion of rally paperwork) prior to established deadlines will result in a DNS (did not start) for the rider, and will be deemed a withdrawal from the event. In such event, no refund of entry fees will be made.
11. Motorcycle must arrive at all checkpoints and/or finish under its own power. Example: Your motorcycle breaks down 30 kms from the checkpoint or finish line. You and your motorcycle are transported to the checkpoint/finish line by means other than your motorcycle. You must return to the point of breakdown, then ride to the checkpoint/finish line.
12. Motorcycles with side cars and three wheeled motorcycles will be a separate category. A minimum of 7 such vehicles must participate to be eligible for a podium finish.
1. An auxiliary fuel system is not required.
2. In the event a fuel log is required, all Riders will be required to fill one out.
3. Auxiliary tank must be mounted in a secure manner, no movement allowed, no bungee or shock cord allowed. USE OF GAS CANS/CONTAINERS IS PROHIBITED. Our intention is to allow the use of a safe, permanently mounted fuel cell. A safe main tank expansion is allowed. The use of gas cans, bottles or carriers is not allowed.
4. Total fuel capacity shall not exceed 43.5L (11.5 US gallons) for motorcycles or 58.67L (15.5 US gallons) for side cars and three wheelers.
1. Riders are expected to act in a sportsman-like fashion at all times during the rally.
2. Any attempt at cheating, even to the degree that you do not understand the rules, can result in penalties up to immediate disqualification.
3. Once the rally starts, Riders shall not accept or receive assistance from other persons not riding in the rally in planning their route or finding bonus locations. The intent is not to preclude you from periodically asking a local for a location once you are in the general vicinity as described in the rally book.
4. In order to claim points for a bonus location, Riders must first have actually traveled to that location. Often, questions are used to verify a rider's presence at a specified location. In order to earn points, Riders must both travel to the specified location and correctly answer the question. Riders are expected to travel to the exact location specified in the bonus instructions.
5. Bonus points must be claimed. Once your Rally Package is submitted to the judges for scoring, you will not be permitted to claim bonuses or make any additional entries in the Rally Book/Score Sheet. Example: a bonus requires you to note the name of the river crossing Hwy A at mile marker 103. You mentally note the name of the river but forget to write it down in your rally book. Halfway through the scoring of your Rally Book/Score Sheet, you remember your error. Because you did not record the answer in your rally book, you did not claim the bonus, and will not be awarded the points. Simply put: IF YOU DO NOT ENTER THE DATA REQUIRED IN YOUR RALLY BOOK/SCORE SHEET YOU WILL NOT BE AWARDED THE POINTS ASSOCIATED WITH THAT BONUS LOCATION. Read this again!
E. During the event, riders may not travel with persons not entered in the event. Example: your brother may not ride his motorcycle with you on the rally, unless he is also entered in the rally. Example: your friend may not follow you in his car while you run the rally, nor may you acquire a passenger along the way.
F. Rules regarding rider conduct apply to conduct prior to the start of the rally, during the rally and after the rally has ended without time limit. Should we find several years later about any acts compromising the rally, we reserve the right to change rally results and remove your name from all records relating to your finishing position including all published stories about the Rally within our control.
G. Riders will be held accountable and responsible for the actions of persons associated with the rider (i.e. sponsors, pit crew, etc.) even if those persons are not participating in the Rally. A violation of these rules by a person or group associated with a rider will be treated the same as if the rider personally violated the rules.
H. Wheelies, burnouts, "rev-tuning" and other similar conduct by a rider or a guest of a rider will result in immediate disqualification of the rider and guest(s) from any and all Lobo Loco Rallies events.
I. Riders may obtain private and/or corporate sponsorship. Sponsorship shall be disclosed to the Rallymasters in advance of the event. The Rallymasters reserve the right to disallow sponsorships that provide an unfair competitive advantage to the sponsored rider. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Rallymasters.
1. Failure to render aid to a participant or the public under emergency or life threatening conditions.
2. Violation of any of the Rules set forth herein.
3. Lobo Loco Rallies events are rallies, NOT RACES. Excessive speeding will not be tolerated.
4 Acts that discredit Lobo Loco Rallies including but not limited to damaging motel rooms, non-payment of repair or motel bills, and acts that result in negative publicity or image for the rally, such as littering at bonus locations and checkpoints.
5. Acts that endanger the general public, spectators or participants.
6. Discourtesy to check point workers, staff, sponsors or other participants. Please remember that the Rally staff is composed entirely of volunteers.
7. Excessive citations or gross misconduct.
8. Defacing, damaging or otherwise tampering with any rally-related item, including but not limited to removing a road sign or altering any identification related item, such as a rider’s identification towel..
9 Carrying more than the specified limit of gasoline at any time during the rally.
10. Having someone pick-up or otherwise help obtain a bonus except as specifically provided for by the Rallymasters. This includes but is not limited to obtaining a bonus for another rider, or allowing another rider to claim a bonus for you. Example: Riders A and B travel together to a bonus location. On arrival, Rider B stays on her motorcycle while A carries Rider B's rally flag to the actual. Rider A then photographs both her flag and that of Rider B. Both riders are subject to disqualification.
11. Failing to timely notify the Rallymasters of your inability to make the finish line/checkpoint on time.
1. In the event that riders are provided with lists of bonus locations, riders will be advised as to the number of pages comprising each bonus list. It is the rider’s responsibility to insure that he has all pages of the bonus list before leaving the checkpoint. Riders are advised to inquire about any last minute changes or corrections to bonus lists.
2. The bonus list will contain areas for riders to note information about specific bonuses listed. The bonus list, therefore, becomes each rider’s record of places visited, and points earned. Riders will only be provided with one copy of the bonus list. Do not lose your paperwork. Lost paperwork will not be replaced.
3. Bonus sheets are considered the property of Lobo Loco Rallies, and will not be returned to riders after submission for scoring. Retention, copying or distribution of bonus lists without the express permission of the Rallymasters will subject the Rider to penalties up to and including disqualification.
4. Occasionally, riders may be asked to verify their presence at a bonus location by photographing the location and/or purchasing an item at the location. These photographs and/or items will be turned in to the Rallymasters at the time each leg is scored, and become the property of LoboLoco Rallies. These items will not be returned to you. If you want one for yourself, buy two.
5. Riders may be offered a "layover" bonus. Such a bonus would require a rider to remain in a specified location for a specified period of time. Unless otherwise directed by the Rallymaster, riders must verify their layover by purchase receipt. The location of the start and end of the layover may not be separated by more than 2 kilometres.
6. Lobo Loco Rallies are not a "pure" scavenger hunts. Example: The bonus requires you to obtain a gaming chip from Casino Niagara. The clear intention of the bonus is for the rider to travel to Niagara Falls and purchase the chip. Do not stop at a gas station on the QE Niagara and ask customers if they have such a chip. This is considered cheating and you will be disqualified, without a refund.
7. If there are time or date restrictions on a bonus, it is YOUR responsibility to insure that the time on the receipt you obtain for proof is correct and within the guidelines given. (Unless the bonus listing says otherwise, we will allow a reasonable variance [5 minutes in most cases] with the time).
8.Always make sure that the each receipt is readable.
9. All receipts that are submitted as a bonus item must contain the DATE, TIME, and LOCATION. In addition, all gas reciepts must show the amount of fuel purchased.
10. Photo Bonuses/Rally Flags (where allowed by the Rallymasters)
A. Some bonuses will be designated Photo Bonuses. In order to earn points for a photo bonus, riders must take a photograph depicting the bonus along with their Rally Flag (unless specifically directed otherwise by the Rallymasters).
B. Every rider will be issued a Rally Flag at the start of the rally. Each Flag will be unique to the rider to whom it is issued. Lost Flags will not be replaced. In the event a rider loses their Rally Flag, the rider may still collect photo bonuses if the rider’s face clearly appears in the photograph along with the bonus item. Once this alternate method of collecting photo bonuses is used, the rider may not return to using their Rally Flag to document photo bonuses.
C. Two-up riders must insure that the two-up passenger appears in every photo. If a bonus states "you must appear in the photo" then both rider and passenger must appear in the photo. Note these requirements are in addition to those set forth at Rule IV (10) (A).
D. Rally Flags are not to be disturbed, picked up, or otherwise tampered with if encountered on the course. If you come across another rider’s towel, leave it alone. The other rider might be on their way back to pick it up, and they might be a bit upset to find it no longer there when they arrives. Disturbing a Rally towel shall result in penalties under Rule IV (2)(G).
E. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in the bonus instructions, the rider’s Rally Flag, including the number imprinted on the Flag must be clearly visible in the photograph.
11. Digital Camera Usage
A. All photos submitted must be on a digital camera storage card. Lobo Loco Rallies utilizes card readers capable of reading the following formats & types of storage cards: CompactFlash (CF), Memory Stick (MS), SecureDigital (SD), and MicroSD.
B. Rider cameras and computers will not be connected to Lobo Loco Rallies’ computers or other equipment at any time during the scoring process.
C. Camera storage cards may be of any size memory the rider wishes.
Multiple cards may be submitted if necessary due to card memory size or photo volume.
D. All digital photos submitted must be of a size between 1024x768 and 640x480 pixels.
E. All digital photos are to be imprinted with a date & time stamp. The photo date & time stamp is to be set to the time zone of the rally start location for the entire rally.
For purposes of this rule, "imprinted" means visually embedded into the image, contained in EXIF metadata, or reflected in a DOS date & time stamp.
F. Riders will be allowed to submit one photo for each bonus claimed. No other photos for that bonus will be considered.
G. Lobo Loco Rallies accepts no responsibility for photo storage cards that are lost, damaged, or in any way unusable. In the event that photos can not be obtained from the riders’ photo storage card during the scoring process, riders will be tentatively scored a zero for unsubstantiated photo bonuses claimed on that leg. When time allows, a reasonable number of attempts will be made to obtain information off of the riders submitted photo storage card. If the judges deem the card to be unusable, the rider will receive zero points for all unverified photos.
H. All digital photos submitted for scoring shall be in the format as originally recorded by the camera, with no post-processing, editing, manipulation, alteration, cropping, resizing, or enhancement applied.
I. Lobo Loco Rallies reserves the right to use submitted photos in future promotion of events or in any other ways it sees fit.
12. Checkpoints.
A. Riders may arrive at a checkpoint prior to the time the checkpoint opens without penalty. The Rallymasters will be available at each checkpoint at least two hours before it opens. Riders are encouraged to arrive early for check in, to avoid the imposition of penalty points.
B. Riders who arrive during the time a checkpoint is open may be assessed penalty points, as indicated on the route sheets applicable to that checkpoint.
C. Riders who arrive after the checkpoint closes are considered time barred at that checkpoint, and will forfeit all points earned on that leg. Time barred riders may still participate in the Rally, but will not be permitted to collect any bonus points on the next leg.
D. Riders arriving time barred at two checkpoints will be considered withdrawn from the event.
E. Riders shall notify the Rallymasters if they expect to arrive late, or do not expect to arrive at a checkpoint. Riders will be provided with contact information for the Rallymasters. Failure to contact the Rallymasters will result in disqualification from this and all future Lobo Loco Rallies events.
13. General Guidelines Regarding Bonuses
A. Before leaving on your route, insure that the physical location description of each bonus matches your map (i.e. is Casino Rama really near Niagara Falls?) If it does not, ask the Rallymasters for help. We do not intend to play cute tricks on you. If you cannot find each bonus on a map (or the city from which detailed instructions are given), either we made a mistake or you are doing something wrong.
B. When choosing which bonuses to go for, DON'T FORGET TO ALLOW TIME to REST and SLEEP. Remember that every bonus, even a gas stop, takes time. Don't forget to add in a minimum of ten minutes for every bonus - no matter how simple it may appear.
C. If you get to a bonus destination IN THE TIME FRAME SPECIFIED and it is unavailable (i.e. closed, burnt down, moved etc.), do your best to obtain a replacement item. For example, if you are told to buy a Pepsi at Joe’s Café and Joe is out of Pepsi, buy a Coke. If the bonus instructs you to have breakfast at Joe's Cafe and Joe's burned down last week, go to another restaurant in the same town. If there are no other restaurants in town, get a gas receipt from the nearest gas station or some sort of business receipt from the same town. If these options are not available locally, ride to the nearest town and get a receipt. Document your attempts to comply with the bonus instructions, and advise the Rallymasters of your efforts. Caution: make sure that every effort is made to comply with bonus instructions before resorting to alternate proof. If you are the only rider who couldn’t locate Joe’s, you won’t get the points.
D. In order to receive points for a bonus, riders will have to successfully complete all instructions listed for the bonus. Our rallies reward reading comprehension. If a bonus tells you to obtain a gas receipt from Dealtown, but you submit a photo of the Dealtown city limits sign, you will not get the points. Similarly, if you are required to get both the receipt and the photo, just one of the two will be insufficient. You must claim the bonus in order to receive points for it.
E. Don't forget to account for the weather and traffic when planning your route! It your responsibility to ascertain your own skill level, and plan a route on roads, in traffic, and through weather that you are comfortable and confident riding in.
F. During the rally, you might see displayed a map depicting the bonus locations. The map is for spectators. You may look at it, but the real intent of the map is to give spectators an idea of where riders may go. Don't make the map your riding plan - it is purely a promotional item for the checkpoint for the enjoyment of spectators and we do not guarantee its accuracy.
G. Although we have several people visit each bonus location prior to the start of the rally, there are going to be things that will happen that are out of our control. Where possible, the rally will make adjustments as needed. For example, if you choose to ride to Point Pelee National Park to get the bonus located at the southern tip of the park and the only access road to the bonus is closed due to construction, you may go to the "Road Closed" sign and take a picture, record that the road was closed on the bonus sheet and you will receive credit for the bonus. However, where multiple paved access roads exist, you will be responsible to ride around to the other entrances. For example, if the bonus instructs to pick up a souvenir at Algonquin Provincial Park, there are multiple access roads into the park. Should one be blocked for any reason, it is your responsibility to try the others taking a picture at each road-closed sign.
H. No latitude is given for bad weather. This is part of the planning process you must figure out. Bonus locations are scattered throughout the Province, and you can opt to wait out bad weather as it blows through, or choose a route that bypasses the storm cell(s)
I. No allowance is given for road conditions, including but not limited to road construction, traffic delays of any kind, law enforcement activities, traffic at bonuses and rally locations.
J. When route directions are given, please consider them ADVISORY! While much care has been taken to insure their accuracy, we cannot guarantee them. Please remember that these directions are included to save you time searching for hard-to-find bonus places. We may have mis-typed a direction or turn. Please use common sense.
1. No persons other than the Rallymasters shall have the authority to change or alter these rules. Riders are advised that checkpoint workers, scorers, and other rally volunteers do not have the power to grant exemptions or variances to these rules.
2. Directions and instructions provided by the Rallymasters at a pre-rally Riders Meeting supersede these written rules for that event.
3. All disputes under these rules shall be resolved by the Rallymasters, whose decision shall be FINAL.
4. Riders may withdraw from the rally at any time for any reason. Riders withdrawing from the rally shall not be entitled to any refund of entry fee.
5. Riders shall report to the Rallymasters any rules violations of which they becomes aware. Riders shall cooperate with any investigation by the Rallymasters into suspected rules violations.
6. Riders may elect to use transponder devices to allow friends and family to be aware of their location during an event. The Rallymasters may use publicly posted data from transponder use to insure compliance with these rules, including but not limited to Rule J(3).
Official Rules--Last Revision 09-June-2009