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Rally Photo Rules



  • ALL photos MUST include the Rally Flag in order to be scored unless the Description specifically says otherwise.

    • Your Rider # AND Event Logo must be clearly visible.

  • If the Description indicates that YOU (the Rider) must appear in the photo, then your entire body, HELMET OFF, must appear in the photo.

  • If the Description indicates that your motorcycle must appear in the photo, then our Scorers must be able to clearly see a COMPLETE motorcycle in the picture, from any angle you choose. Photos that only show a mirror, windscreen, saddlebag, etc. will not be counted.

  • Special Rules for 2Up Riders

    • The passenger MUST appear in all photos but may keep their helmet on.

    • *IF* the Description indicates that YOU (the Rider) must appear in the photo, then BOTH persons must appear in the photo, with HELMETS OFF.

  • Special Rules for Group Riders

    • If you decide to ride in groups on the Rally EACH Rider must present their own unique photo from each location.

    • You CANNOT use one camera between the group or digitally copy photos for Scoring submission. More than one Rally Flag or Rider *may* appear in the photo, but again, EACH rider must submit their own photo for Scoring.

What To Do

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Perfect! Helmet off, Flag clear, object in background (Bee Town Hotel sign) clear.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Another great shot! Flag clear, helmet off, bike fully in the picture, with the restaurant's sign clearly visible in the background

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Excellent! Flags clear. Helmets off. Object in the background clear (pose for your picture with a live Ostrich)

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Perfect! Helmets off, flag clear, with the live Ostrich's in the background. When riding 2Up, if you are required to be in a pic, BOTH people must be in it.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Awesome! Flag Clear, bike FULLY in the picture, object in the background clear (Georgian Bay Honey sign on their barn)

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Another good one. Great way to get the flag and the bike in the picture.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Excellent! Flag clear, Sign clear, and even included the barn and vintage truck in the picture!

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Excellent use of a Selfie Stick to capture your flag and sign in the picture.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Another great Selfie Stick Rally Flag shot.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Great idea. This pair of riders hold each others' flags for pictures alleviating the hassle of how to get your Rally Flag in the photo

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

... and always have fun! (the HUGE inflatable flamingo had sprung a leak the night before the rally... but our intrepid riders found the remains and got a photo with it regardless!)

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Posing with enthusiasm! (note: Remember that if the requirements are that you must be in the picture, then your helmet must be off)

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Another good shot. Flag clear, sign on the shop clear, and bike (barely) is fully in the picture (always double check your pic before leaving!)

And Not Do

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Oops... The Event Logo and Rider # must appear from your Rally Flag in all photos (unless otherwise stated)

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Again, make sure the Rally Flag is clearly visible. Here the Event Logo is cut off, and the Rider # is questionable.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Rally Flag isn't clear in this picture

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

No Event Logo, no points. :-(

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Although this bonus did not require the rider to be in it, if it did, you would need to have your Helmet Off.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Make sure you don't obscure the object you're there to photograph. It's behind the rider, so our scorers have no idea what it is

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Another example. Don't block the object you're trying to photograph.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

If you choose to ride in groups, your flags can all appear in the picture, but you EACH must have your own picture of the location for scoring.

1st Annual Lobo Loco Rally

Depending on the photo requirements, this might have passed. It's hard to see the Rally Flag clearly, and the entire bike doesn't appear in the picture.

© 2016 by LoboLoco Rallies, created with


Images  by Wolfe Bonham have not been altered and are used in compliance with CC License
If you retain these images, please do not alter them.

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