Are you NEW to Motorcycle Scavenger Hunts?
Here is a Summary of what expect:
This is an excellent video explaining the basics of Long Distance Motorcycle Scavenger Hunts. This is NOT my video, but it does an awesome job of showcasing what these type of events are all about.
Approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the rally you will be emailed a Rally Book. This will be in a .pdf format and will include all the rules, a set of locations throughout Southern Ontario, as well as a .gpx file for your GPS and mapping software. During the rally you will have 8, 10, or 12 hours (depending on the Event) to find and photograph as many of these locations as possible. Think of the Rally Book like a restaurant menu. You can't possibly eat everything on it, so you must decide what will secure you the most points and get you to the finish line on time.
This year our 4 Primary Events are all Static Start Events. That is, all the riders start together at a common location.
Sometimes we organize Remote Start Events, where riders can start ANYWHERE in Ontario at a pre-designated time. Date/Time stamped receipts along with photos of your odometer keep everyone honest.
Each Event has a designated "Finish Line". You must arrive no later than Rally Finish Time. After that you will begin to lose points for EACH MINUTE YOU ARE LATE. Those later than 1 hour will be considered DNF.
After all Riders have arrived there will be lots of great food (we all love to eat!). Usually this is an All You Can Eat Dinner Buffet, but sometimes it's a inclusive dinner with options depending on the facility we end up at.
During the Banquet winners are given prizes, awards, finishers certificates, and our now famous hand-built trophies.
You will be given a score sheet as part of your Rally Pack. This form will allow you to claim all of the locations you visited throughout the rally. Because part of Long Distance Riding is all about staying within the safety of your mental (as well as physical) limits, filling out Scoring Sheets becomes an important part of the entire process.
You must accurately fill out each location you visited, with the time, date, and odometer reading, in the order you visited them, noting any answers to questions and submitting any required receipts. Spelling counts! And forgetting to claim a bonus on the form means you won't get the points... this is called "Leaving Points at the Table", and will make you sad...
Rally Flags
You will receive a commemorative, individually numbered "Rally Flag" as part of the Rally Pack. This MUST be included in each of your bonus location photos (unless otherwise specified) in order to score your points.
Rally Flags are generally made in such a way that photographing them in windy or low light situations is tricky. That's part of the fun... coming up with a way to get them in your required picture!
And make sure you don't lose your Rally Flag along the way (ask your Rally Master how he knows about this!).