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Just Sayin' Mini Rally
Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt
Friday, June 7th to Sunday, June 9th, 2019
(Any 10 hour period)

You know those motivational posters, with a big scenic image and some inspirational quote?  Well we're going to inspire you to find locations based on famous sayings....


Here's a chance to go on a

"Wild Goose Chase, "Get Your Ducks in a Row", and be "Cool as a Cucumber".


Hopefully you won't "Put all Your Eggs in One Basket" or "Get Bent Out of Shape".


Hurry up and sign up before you "Miss the Boat". The "Early Bird Gets the Worm"....



10 Hour Rally - Starts ANYWHERE



You choose when and where you'd like to start from, and where you'd like to finish up no more than 10 hours later.  You will need to ride a minimum of 350km in order to be considered a Finisher.


Only $25 per bike!



(Or SAVE MONEY by purchasing a SEASON PASS)


Register for this Event

© 2016 by LoboLoco Rallies, created with


Images  by Wolfe Bonham have not been altered and are used in compliance with CC License
If you retain these images, please do not alter them.

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